Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Christmas Ornament

This is my Christmas ornament. I decided to do a stocking that read Merry Christmas and in between that the letter J which stands for Jennifer.

Project 3: Flower Vase

This is my final and favorite project. This vase was kind of hard to make because parts of the flowers kept falling off once they got dry. The only thing I should've done was paint the inside with a neutral color instead of leaving it as is. 

Project 2: Coil Bowl

This is my second project. I really liked how the entire bowl came out. At first, I was only thinking about making a simple swirl bowl but in order to add some design I added the coils at the top.

Project 1: 3-D Flower Pot

This flower pot is my first project of choice. I decided to continue with my designs of flowers since I had been working on making them last year. I like the blue alternation in the flowers but I dislike the green.

Friday, September 7, 2018

About Me Face Mask

This mask is a representation of myself. For the color of the mask I chose the colors of the ocean because in my drawing I inserted a picture of the beach because its my favorite place to go. I also added the flowers because I like flowers a lot. Most of my projects from last year ceramics had something to do with flowers. I only covered half of the face with flowers because I wanted the blue 'ocean' to be visible. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


This was the dice I made as my final project. This was easy to make because I have done multiple boxes before. After the dice was fired, I traced a small bottle cap to get the circles on there evenly and then I glazed them. I wish I would have made it one box as a whole and not with a detachable top.

Candle Holder

This is my candle holder. I would say it was kind of hard to make because I first had to cut out a lot of pedals of different sizes and then attach them together which was a struggle. Before I had glazed it, a pedal broke off but I was able to put it back on with the glaze. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Flowered Box

 For my project one of choice, I decided to make a box with a flower on the lid. I made a rose on the lid because I thought it would be something easy and because I really like flowers, especially roses. The only thing I wish I would have done is add more smaller pedals to the rose.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Surface Decorating Project

This is a small flower pot I created using the five surface decorating techniques. The most difficult part about this project was doing the mishima. My favorite part was how the leaves gave the pot a lifted surface. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Surface Designing Techniques Encyclopedia

* Sprigging- Surface decorating technique in which separate small shapes of clay are applied to the main body before firing.

* Slip Trailing- A technique of adding a pattern to the clay surface by using slip to create lines and patterns. This technique will create a raised surface texture.

* Impressed Texture- Indenting a design or texture into soft clay by pressing something into the surface of the clay.

* Mishima- A way of drawing by inlaying a slip of contrasting colors into lines engraved in hard-leather clay.

* Sgraffito- A technique where the surface of the clay is scratched exposing another layer of colored clay.