Tuesday, May 22, 2018


This was the dice I made as my final project. This was easy to make because I have done multiple boxes before. After the dice was fired, I traced a small bottle cap to get the circles on there evenly and then I glazed them. I wish I would have made it one box as a whole and not with a detachable top.

Candle Holder

This is my candle holder. I would say it was kind of hard to make because I first had to cut out a lot of pedals of different sizes and then attach them together which was a struggle. Before I had glazed it, a pedal broke off but I was able to put it back on with the glaze. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Flowered Box

 For my project one of choice, I decided to make a box with a flower on the lid. I made a rose on the lid because I thought it would be something easy and because I really like flowers, especially roses. The only thing I wish I would have done is add more smaller pedals to the rose.